08 October 2007

Minor Ventage

So, since I'm on a fiber diet (damn NaKniSweMo), I decided to really bust my stash. Which is a lot of fun, since I have a lot of nice yarn stashed. *grins* Anyways, I'm using some lovely hemp yarn, Elsebeth Lavold Hempathy. It's super soft, really nice and in a very mellow, natural looking color. So, I decided to make the Pea Pod Sweater Set from Kate Gilbert and Interweave Knits. It's a really fun pattern, at least what I've done. It's very easy and a simple knit. In theory at least. However, I've cast on and froged 2 times. I'm going on my third. I think my issues is with the gauge. Of course, I didn't do a gauge swatch (dumb ass), but there was someone who used the same yarn, with the same pattern and it worked for them. I started on size 5, then moved to 4s. Now, I'm going to try one last time with 3s. If that doesn't work, I'll forget about it. It's just marginally irritating.

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