So, holiday plans. I really wanted to stay home for Thanksgiving with Kim and Abby. However, Audrey, Kim's long time childhood neighbor invited us for dinner. In the course of 6 months, she lost her husband, her cat and her dog. So, as much as I really want to have Thanksgiving at home, I just can't say no. I will be bringing stuffing though :-P So, we'll be heading over to Waldoboro for supper. I'm planning on making a HUGE breakfast. I just can't decide between dim sum or a traditional, hearty breakfast. I need to plan a menu, as Thanksgiving is in about 9 days. Eep!
Christmas, of course, involves more plans. My mom is coming up to spend it with us. Which, despite it all, should be a lot of fun. I've decided Santa will being one or two really nice gifts this year. (and all following years) This year, I think it will be a dress up chest and a tea set. Granted, Abby will get more than just that, but I want to work on the quality of the gifts, not the quantity. Kim's going to buy her a toy piano too. My goal this year is to sew stockings for me, Kim, Abby, my mom and Kim's parents. And to fill them. There's a few traditions here and there I'd like to start too. I haven't decided what I'm going to do on the Orthodox celebration of Christmas. If anything. It will probably be something small. Also, I do plan on putting Abby's shoes outside for St. Nicholas Day. And lighting candles for the Advent.
We're going to celebrate Hanukkah also this year. I need to find a Menorah. Last year, we just lit tea lights but I'd like to do something special this year. Again, nothing special. Just a nice dinner, time with family and maybe a game of dreidel.
December 31 is Kim's birthday. I have a nice present planned, but no real plans. I have to ask him what he'd like to do. He's turning 30, so I think he wants it to be low key :-)
I think the only thing I haven't planned is Yule. Hmmm....
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