01 January 2008


Happy New Year!!

I have great plans for this year. I love the new year, as it feels like a nice, easy, clean start. It's very motivating. This year, I plan to have a creative year, and one where I'm close with my family (which makes me happy, as my mother and I have made great strides in the past few weeks)

I plan on making this a creative year. I want to launch Buju Designs and Warm Yarns. Along with, of course, Slawman.org. I'm hoping to build up an inventory of stuff to start selling . I also want to get a portfolio up and running so I can do some contracting jobs on the side. My goal is to make 12 knitted objects, one of which being a sweater for myself. I also plan on knitting mostly from my stash. Since it's starting to take up most of the apartment....

Kim and I have decided we're going to work out our 5 year plan. And budget. And work really fucking hard. This is going to be a blood, sweat and tears year. Which will be good. We're going to work hard and go far in 2008. I can feel it.

Other things:
I want to read 12 books
I want to make Abby's baby book
I want to finish the Apartment (an annual goal!)
I want to get a tattoo
I want to visit friends in other states
I'd like to learn how to clean with baking soda and vinegar
I want to go back to school

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