20 July 2008

Baby Update!

Right now, I'm heading into the last trimester of my pregnancy. This is around the point where I complain things are going waaaaaay too quickly! Very soon, my appointments to see my midwives are getting closer, as well as a home visit. I had an ultrasound, and among things, it told me that my "expected due date" is at the end of September. While I don't believe it, it's weird to think that next month may be the last baby free month o-O I have SO much to do in the next months! And, of course, no energy to do it.

I feel fat, swollen and winded. My midwives have told me that that's perfectly normal to feel and rather healthy as well. Well, great. I tend to wake up with lots of coffee ...I mean energy, but am out by noon. *grumbles* I've been taking many naps lately.

We are having a boy! I'm not quite sure what to do with a boy (I come from a matriarchal family) but I'm sure I'll figure it out. My aunt has a couple of boys. They're unruly little things that pee on things. Yeah... Abby's unhappy with the idea she's going to have a little brother. I think she's warmed up to it somewhat. Right now, our name for him is Finnegan, or Finn for short. It may change when we see him (Noah perhaps). Before the ultrasound, we only had girl names picked out (Grace was our favorite). Finnegan was a name we really liked, but stayed away from because we know another Finnegan who's going to be born in October. Our other names just don't sound as good though. I'm looking forward to having a boy. A bit worried about him getting Autism (runs in the family), but we're not going to vaccinate him so that should help. I'm looking forward to having a little guy running around in a kilt and stompin' boots. And knitting him a willy warmer for when he runs around the house naked. It will be a change of pace, but any baby would have provided that.

I'm officially out of work. Well, sorta. I keep getting called back in to work a couple hours here and there. I'm not sure what that means. I consider it a tithe for my employee discount ^-^ I'm sorta freaking out about not having an income, but at the same time not. I remember someone telling me that the only things babies REALLY need are clean diapers and a boob. That's been my mantra. And I've been able to knit things to make up for frivolous spending.

Right now, I'm still drudging along on my baby blanket. Ugh. I'm trying to knit 2-3 fish a day. It still feels like it will never get done. After, I plan on knitting Finn a hat, some socks and I want to learn how to crochet so I can make the only pair of baby booties that I've seen that doesn't look like a giant sock, or a pair of mary janes. I also want to knit a baby surprise jacket, but that can wait until after he's born. As well as the Lobster Claw Mittens. I want to knit a bunch of those for babies being born this year.

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