21 August 2008

Mission Today: Clean off Desk

Today, I cleaned off my desk. Really, this is a "Go Me" sort of thing. Just because it always get stuff. I have an extreme lack of drawers and desk space. So, anytime I put my sketch book or book or even a cup there, it takes up most of my available space. It feels so much better when it's less cluttered! Though, I still want to get a bigger desk.

The tiling of stickies I have on my wall is my to do list. I really like this method of G.T.D that Kim taught me. The stickies make it so I can easily prioritize between projects (important on the top!). And they're easy to take off the wall. The left hand side is for Büjü Design things. Yes, I still have hopes of launching it :-P And the right hand part is for normal things that I have to do. Just took off "CLEAN OFF DESK" ^-^

That alone is something to make me feel accomplished, but I also did dishes, cooked breakfast and applied for a couple of jobs. My energy is coming back, and I really want to get a job to help out (since Kim is still unemployed). I also did a bunch of emailing, and freecycling (there is too much crap on my deck!). I haven't decided if I'm going to just call it a quits and read for a bit or if I'm going to do something REALLY productive :-P

For now, my clean desk is worth it!

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