01 September 2008

Hello September

Hello September.
Hello about a month until the baby is born.
Hello crunch time.

Alessandra, my pregnant friend from the Read (we became pregnant right around the same time), had her baby a week ago. She had a little girl, named Lilly. When she was pregnant, she told me she was going to put Tiger Lilly on the birth certificate. I have no clue if she has, but Lilly will always be named as Tiger Lilly to me. I'm very happy for Alessandra and Tom.

Good news coming from the home front: Kim is now employed. He's working at a little gourmet food store down the street. While the pay is nothing like he was getting, it's still a job and relieves soooo much stress right now!

Finn has been really bursting at the seams. I can tell my belly is getting too small for him. He hasn't been as bouncy and active, but has had wicked bad hiccups lately. I feel so huge! I can't bend over, can't sit for long periods of time, can't stand for long periods of time...I have the world's worst heart burn. I cannot wait until I get this little guy out of me, but I want him to stay in as long as possible :-P Hopefully, this week, I'll be able to go to a craft store to get some plaster of paris to do a belly cast. After that, he can come out :-P I swear, my stomach is a thousand times bigger than with Abigail!

Some time in the next couple of days, I'm going to post what I need for Finn. And post my baby registry. Right now, I'm almost done with his baby sweater. Then, I want to finish his blanket and make some soakers (sewn). Ahhh! Too much to do!

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