09 September 2008

I hate Government Assistance.

It shouldn't be so hard to get food stamps. I should be able to go and say, "Hey. I'm broke. I have no füds. Can I get some helps?" And then, I shouldn't have to wait 2 months in order to get said help.

I'm sorry for sounding so pessimistic. I swear, the days I'm not all the phone all day with social services trying to convince them that really, I have no income and do in fact need their help are the days where I find it hardest to breathe and resist the urge to crawl up in a ball and cry.

1 comment:

ariel said...

We tried to apply for them a few years ago, but we had too much money in a college savings account for our daughter. I am sorry that I am trying to plan a future for my child! Ugh, damn government.