08 September 2008


Dear Idiotic Policemen,
I understand the need for putting traffic cones on the sidewalk for the upcoming renovations. I also understand that I live on Main Street in a mixed use area. So, I can understand that you don't think people live here. HOWEVER, I'm still pissed off with you thwacking down each cone as loud as you could at 1 o'clock in the morning! Seriously there's what? 15? 20? Each going down with a loud "THWACK!" And then, you had to put the posts in them, which you did, while chatting happily and loudly. at 1 o'clock in the morning. Did I mention I got little sleep last night because of being 8 months and extremely uncomfortably pregnant?

I really should take Kim's advice and call the station to complain....I'm getting more apprehensive about this project. I'm all for redoing sidewalks and planting trees, but only if it's after the hour of 8 am and not after the hour of 9 pm.

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